Eggs: Benefits, Myths and Safety

Eggs: Benefits, Myths and Safety
12 February 2020

Benefits of Eggs

  • Brain Health – Eggs help in regularising the function of brain cells.
  • Good energy production – Vitamins and minerals help improve your mood.
  • Weight loss and maintenance – Egg yolks are packed with nutrients and protein and make you feel full quickly, without a lot of calories.
  • Hair growth – Vitamins found in eggs help in maintaining healthy hair.
  • Decreased risks of diseases - Eggs help maintain a healthy immune system.
  • Strong muscles – Proteins in eggs build muscles and make the stronger
  • Healthy pregnancy – Nutrients in eggs help in prevention of diseases

Cracking the Egg Myths

Cholesterol: Among the biggest myths about eggs is that is packed with cholesterol and is bad for you. While it is true that eggs are high in cholesterol, some studies on eggs have shown that dietary cholesterol causes the body to increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol along with LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, possibly helping to offset adverse effects.

Heart Attack and Stroke: Another myth is that people at risk of heart disease should not consume eggs. However, research on half a million people who were followed for 8 to 22 years, revealed that there is no relationship between eggs (up to one a day, on average) and heart disease or stroke.

Diabetes: Another group of people who were once told to stay away from eggs were diabetics. Research conducted since then has proved that there is no reason to encourage this dietary constraint; there is evidence of a link between egg consumption and diabetes.

Storage and Food Safety

One of the most common health concerns associated with eggs is food poisoning from the bacteria Salmonella. While refraining from consuming raw or half cooked eggs will protect you from contracting the bacteria, storage of eggs is also important:

  • Always store eggs in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C).
  • Wash hands and all exposed surfaces with soap and water immediately after coming into contact with raw eggs.
  • Refrigerate eggs shortly after cooking them for no more than 2 hours.
  • Throw away broken, dirty, or cracked eggs.
  • Throw away expired eggs and egg products.
  • Avoid eggs that have an odd consistency, appearance, or smell.